Warning: Declaration of action_plugin_translatebutton::register(&$controller) should be compatible with DokuWiki_Action_Plugin::register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) in /usr/local/www/apache24/data/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/translatebutton/action.php on line 82
====== Basic - algoritme per trachar los tèrms espandits e/o communs ======
L'algoritme foncciona sus la partida clienta, es a dire lo navigador de l'usatgièr. Cada pic dins un ''camp dialectal'' (Lengadocian, Gascon, Provençal e Lemosin, Auvernhat, Vivaro-Alpenc) las donadas son cambiadas, lo boton « Aplicar » s'enlusís per far mòstra que los camps non cambiadisses ''espandit'' e ''commun'' devon èsser mes a jorn. Al picar del boton e se las reglas son realizadas, los camps son apasturats e lo boton torna a son estat normal.\\
Cada còp possible son normalizadas las entradas dins los ''camps dialectals'' al nivèl de la ponctuacion.
L'empliment dels camps ''commun'' e ''espandit'' es sonque indicatiu e temporari, devenon permanent quand la ficha es **enregistrada**.
===== Demòra de far =====
FIXME PAS DE BESONH Trachar la nocion de ''/'' coma separator per dos tèrmes eqüivalents.\\
FIXME FACH Ordonar los tèrmes espandits segon lor emplec demest los dialèctes.\\
FIXME La cumulacion dels tèrmes sufixats al/au nos cal tanben trachar èl/èu/èth, ...\\
FIXME FACH Enebir l'afichatge dels camps mièjornal e septentrional se lo tèrme es espandit o commun.\\
FIXME integrar los lexícs Vivaro-alpenc e Provençau\\
FIXME integrar la seconda partida dels lexíc Lemosin\\
FIXME FACH La possibilitat de desvarolhar los camps non cambiadisses (es a dire enebir l'algoritme) se pòt concebre quand lo camp ''manual'' es botat, alara los automatismes del formulari son enebits e l'autor en darrièra fin pòt pelfinar lo trabalh. L'enregistrament es totjorn possible.\\
FIXME Un messatge per avisar que la ficha es estada modificada.
===== Definicions =====
;''camp dialectal'' : un camp de sasida dins lo formulari que corespond a cada dialècte occitan.
;''term'' (tèrme) : un lexèm que corespond al tèrm francés. Se lo lexèm ven amb lo masculin e lo femenin son separats amb une virgula '',''. Mai d'un tèrme se pòdon trapar dins un sol camp dialectal, lor separator es un punt-virgula '';''.
;''weight'' (pes) : cada occuréncia d'un tèrme dins un camp lexical apond un pes qu'es una poténcia de 2. Çò qu'es mai simple de manejar lo tèrme amb una aritmetica de bits (//bitwise//).
===== Reglas =====
Un tèrme es ''commun'' se es present dins cada camp dialectal. Son pes es 63.\\
Un tèrme es ''espandit'' se existís dins las doas zònas ''miejornala'' e ''septentrionala'' e qu'es pas ''commun''.\\
Per una entrada, i pòt avure al encòp de tèrmes ''espandits'' e ''communs''.
===== Exemple =====
===== Per comptar los bits a 1 dins lo pes (Bit Counter) =====
Per ordonar los tèrms espandits segon lor emplec demest los dialèctes, avèm de comptar lo nombre de dialèctes que lo tèrme i es dedins. Cada dialècte a una plaça per son bit. 32 per lo vivarés-alpenc, 16 l'auvernhat, 8 lo lemosin, 4 lo provençal, 2 lo gascon, 1 lo lengadocian.\\
Un masq es creat amb la valor 32, puèi lo masq es aplicat al pes amb un operator binari & (and) e se torna 1 (//TRUE//) los dos bit son a 1, lo comptador es incrementat (a 32 lo dialècte vivavo-alpenc es evaluat). Puèi lo masque es mudat cap a drecha d'una plaça, ansin la valor del masque passa de 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 0 per agachar cada bit del pes. Quand lo masque es agotat, la bocla s'acaba, e se torna la resulta.\\
var MASK_MAX = 0x20; // 32
// Entry.bitCount()
this.bitCount = function(){
var mask = MASK_MAX;
var valret = 0;
while (mask > 0){
if (this.weight & mask){valret++;}//if
mask>>>= 1;
} // while
return valret;
===== L'algoritme entièr =====
var LENG = 1;
var GASC = 2;
var PROV = 4;
var LEM = 8;
var AUV = 16;
var ALP = 32;
var MASK_MAX = 0x20; // 32
* Entry
function Entry(aString){
this.aString = aString;
this.weight = 0;
this.equals = function(aEntry){
return (aEntry.aString === this.aString);
} // equals
this.addDialect = function(aDialect){return(aEntry.aString == this.aString);}
this.toString = function(){return this.aString;}
* definition :
* to be commonly used the weight MUST be at its maximum
this.isCommunlyUsed = function(){
return (this.weight == ALLDIALECTS);
} // isCommunlyUsed
* definition :
* used in all southern dialects
this.isSouthern = function(){
return (this.weight & LENG && this.weight & GASC && this.weight & PROV);
} // isSouthern
* definition :
* used in all northern dialects
this.isNorthern = function(){
return (this.weight & LEM && this.weight & AUV && this.weight & ALP);
} // isNorthern
* definition :
* to be widely used, a term MUST NOT be used in all dialects but at least in the south and the north part of Occitania
this.isWidelyUsed = function(){
return (this.weight != ALLDIALECTS && (this.weight & LENG || this.weight & GASC || this.weight & PROV) && (this.weight & LEM || this.weight & AUV || this.weight & ALP));
} // isWidelyUsed
this.setWeight = function(dialectWeight){
this.weight |= dialectWeight;
// console.log( 'string : ' + this.aString + ', w : ' + this.weight + ', dialectWeight : ' + dialectWeight);
} // setWeight
this.bitCount = function(){
var mask = MASK_MAX;
var valret = 0;
while (mask > 0){
if (this.weight & mask){valret ++;} // if
mask>>>= 1;
} // while
// console.log(this.aString +' : ' + valret + ' : ' + mask);
return valret;
} // bitCount
} // Entry
* Singles
* this object is a singleton that maintain a list of unique terms. The data model is set with two arrays :
* - an array of string
* - an array of Entry objects
* the two lists grow alongside and they are used as a replacement for hash table.
* The use of the first is necessary by the need of the method indexOf
function Singles(){
this.occurences = [];
this.terms = [];
* populateOccurences
this.tokenizeAndAddEntry = function(dialectWeight, data){
if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.length > 0){
// clean the string
data = data.replace(/\s*,\s*/g,',');
data = data.replace(/\s*;\s*/g,";");
data = data.replace(/\s*$/g,'');
var arr = data.split(";");
for (i=0; i < arr.length; i++){
var entry = new Entry(arr[i]);
} // tokenizeAndAddEntry
* populateOccurences
this.populateOccurences = function(){
this.tokenizeAndAddEntry(LENG,'bla, bla ; bli, bli ; ble, ble');
this.tokenizeAndAddEntry(GASC,'bli, bli ; blo, blo ; bla, bla ; ble,ble');
this.tokenizeAndAddEntry(PROV,'bla, bla ; bli, bli');
this.tokenizeAndAddEntry(LEM,'bla, bla ; blu');
this.tokenizeAndAddEntry(AUV,'bla, bla ; blu');
this.tokenizeAndAddEntry(ALP,'bli, bli ; bla, bla; ble, ble');
} // populateOccurences
* addEntry
this.addEntry = function(aEntry, dialectWeight){
var ind = this.terms.indexOf(aEntry.aString);
if (ind === -1){
} else{
} // addEntry
* getEntriesCommunlyUsed
this.getEntriesCommunlyUsed = function(){
var arr = [];
for (i= 0 ; i < this.occurences.length;i++){
if (this.occurences[i].isCommunlyUsed()){
} // if
} // for
return arr;
} // getEntriesCommunlyUsed
* getEntriesWidelyUsed
this.getEntriesWidelyUsed = function(){
var arr = [];
for (i= 0 ; i < this.occurences.length;i++){
if (this.occurences[i].isWidelyUsed()){
} // if
} // for
// the sort function uses our customized one
arr.sort(function(a,b){ return b.bitCount() - a.bitCount();});
return arr;
} // getEntriesWidelyUsed
* getEntriesMeridional
this.getEntriesSouthern = function(){
var arr = [];
for (i= 0 ; i < this.occurences.length;i++){
if (this.occurences[i].isSouthern()){
} // if
} // for
return arr;
} // getEntriesSouthern
* getEntriesNorthern
this.getEntriesNorthern = function(){
var arr = [];
for (i= 0 ; i < this.occurences.length;i++){
if (this.occurences[i].isNorthern()){
} // if
} // for
return arr;
} // getEntriesNorthern
* check
this.check = function(){
for (i= 0 ; i < this.occurences.length;i++){
console.log("occurence : " + this.occurences[i].toString() + " weight : " + this.occurences[i].weight);
} // for
var arr = this.getEntriesCommunlyUsed();
var s = "";
for (i= 0 ; i < arr.length;i++){
s += arr[i].toString() + ' ; ';
} // for
s = s.replace(/\s;\s$/,'');
console.log("communlyUsed : " + s);
arr = this.getEntriesWidelyUsed();
s = '';
for (i= 0 ; i < arr.length;i++){
s += arr[i].toString() + ' ; ';
} // for
s = s.replace(/\s;\s$/,'');
console.log("widelyUsed : " + s);
} // check
* R E F R E S H
* The most important function
this.refresh = function(){
// Entries communly used
var arr = this.getEntriesCommunlyUsed();
var s = "";
for (i= 0 ; i < arr.length;i++){
s += arr[i].toString() + ' ; ';
} // for
s = s.replace(/\s;\s$/,'');
s = s.replace(/\s;\s$/,'');
document.getElementById("commun").value = s;
// console.log("commun : " + s);
// Entries widely used
arr = this.getEntriesWidelyUsed();
s = '';
for (i= 0 ; i < arr.length;i++){
s += arr[i].toString() + ' ; ';
} // for
s = s.replace(/\s;\s$/,'');
s = s.replace(/\s;\s$/,'');
// console.log("widelyUsed : " + s);
document.getElementById("espandit").value = s;
// Southern entries
arr = this.getEntriesSouthern();
s = '';
for (i= 0 ; i < arr.length;i++){
if (! arr[i].isWidelyUsed() && !arr[i].isCommunlyUsed()){
s += arr[i].toString() + ' ; ';
} // for
s = s.replace(/\s;\s$/,'');
s = s.replace(/\s;\s$/,'');
// console.log("southern : " + s);
document.getElementById("southern").value = s;
// Northern entries
arr = this.getEntriesNorthern();
s = '';
for (i= 0 ; i < arr.length;i++){
if (! arr[i].isWidelyUsed() && ! arr[i].isCommunlyUsed()){
s += arr[i].toString() + ' ; ';
} // for
s = s.replace(/\s;\s$/,'');
s = s.replace(/\s;\s$/,'');
// console.log("northern : " + s);
document.getElementById("northern").value = s;
// turns the button in its normal state
} // refresh
* reset
this.reset = function(){
this.occurences = [];
this.terms = [];
}// reset
} // Singles
var aSingles = {};
function postwith (to,p) {
var myForm = document.createElement("form");
myForm.method="post" ;
myForm.action = to ;
for (var k in p) {
var myInput = document.createElement("input") ;
myInput.setAttribute("name", k) ;
myInput.setAttribute("value", p[k]);
myForm.appendChild(myInput) ;
document.body.appendChild(myForm) ;
myForm.submit() ;
document.body.removeChild(myForm) ;
}// postwith
function setApplyButtonState(){
var isCompleted = document.getElementById("completedCheckbox").checked;
var applyButton = document.getElementById("applyButton");
if (isCompleted){
applyButton.disabled = true;
applyButton.disabled = false;
} // setApplyButtonStyle
function definitionAsSeen(){
var glossterm =document.getElementById("glossterm").value;
var categorie =document.getElementById("categorie").value;
var commun =document.getElementById("commun").value;
var espandit =document.getElementById("espandit").value;
var southern =document.getElementById("southern").value;
var northern =document.getElementById("northern").value;
var leng =document.getElementById("leng").value;
var gasc =document.getElementById("gasc").value;
var prov =document.getElementById("prov").value;
var lemosin =document.getElementById("lemosin").value;
var auvernhat =document.getElementById("auvernhat").value;
var vivalpenc =document.getElementById("vivalpenc").value;
var glosstermFmt ='glosstermFmt';
var categorieFmt ='categorieFmt';
var communFmt ='';
var espanditFmt ='';
var southernFmt ='';
var northernFmt ='';
var lengFmt ='';
var gascFmt ='';
var provFmt ='';
var lemosinFmt ='';
var auvernhatFmt ='';
var vivalpencFmt ='';
if (glossterm != ''){glosstermFmt ='[fr] ' + glossterm + '';}
if (categorie != ''){ categorieFmt ='[catg] ' + categorie + '';}
if (commun != ''){communFmt ='[com] ' + commun + '';}
if (espandit != ''){espanditFmt ='[esp] ' + espandit + '';}
if (southern != ''){southernFmt ='[miej] ' + southern + '';}
if (northern != ''){ northernFmt ='[sept] ' + northern + '';}
if (leng != ''){lengFmt ='[leng] ' + leng + '';}
if (gasc != ''){gascFmt ='[gasc] ' + gasc + '';}
if (prov != ''){ provFmt ='[prov] ' + prov + '';}
if (lemosin != ''){lemosinFmt ='[lem] ' + lemosin + '';}
if (auvernhat != '') {auvernhatFmt ='[auv] ' + auvernhat + '';}
if (vivalpenc != '') {vivalpencFmt ='[alp] ' + vivalpenc + '';}
var x = glosstermFmt + " (" + categorieFmt + ") : "+ communFmt + "," + espanditFmt + "," + southernFmt + "," + lengFmt + ","
+ gascFmt + "," + provFmt + "," + northernFmt + "," + lemosinFmt + "," + auvernhatFmt + "," + vivalpencFmt + ".";
// some formatting and clean up
x = x.replace(/,,/g,',');
x = x.replace(/,,/g,',');
x = x.replace(/,,/g,',');
x = x.replace(/: ,/g,': ');
x = x.replace(/,\./g,'.');
x = x.replace(/,/g,', ');
return x;
} // definitionAsSeen
if (Drupal.jsEnabled){
aSingles = new Singles();
} // function
); // event
$("#acception").keyup(function () {
$("#commun").keyup(function () {
$("#espandit").keyup(function () {
$("#southern").keyup(function () {
$("#leng").keyup(function () {
$("#gasc").keyup(function () {
$("#prov").keyup(function () {
$("#northern").keyup(function () {
$("#auvernhat").keyup(function () {
$("#lemosin").keyup(function () {
$("#vivalpenc").keyup(function () {
$("#completedCheckbox").change(function () {
var isCompleted = document.getElementById("completedCheckbox").checked;
var applyButton = document.getElementById("applyButton");
var communInput = document.getElementById("commun");
var espanditInput = document.getElementById("espandit");
var southernInput = document.getElementById("southern");
var northernInput = document.getElementById("northern");
if (isCompleted){
applyButton.disabled = true;
communInput.readOnly = false;
espanditInput.readOnly = false;
southernInput.readOnly = false;
northernInput.readOnly = false;
applyButton.disabled = false;
communInput.readOnly = true;
espanditInput.readOnly = true;
southernInput.readOnly = true;
northernInput.readOnly = true;
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